Stress might be just as unhealthy as junk food to digestive system
In a new paper published in Nature Scientific Reports, BYU professor of microbiology and molecular biology Laura Bridgewater found that when female mice were exposed to stress, their gut microbiota — the microorganisms vital to digestive and metabolic health — changed to look like the mice had been eating a high-fat diet.
ネイチャーScientific Reports誌に掲載された論文の中で、ブリガムヤング大学細菌学・分子生物学教授ローラ・ブリッジウォーター氏は、メスのネズミがストレスにさらされると、消化器官と代謝の健康に必要不可欠な微生物群である腸内微生物叢(腸内細菌叢)が、高脂肪食摂取時に似た変化を見せることを発見しています。
“Stress can be harmful in a lot of ways, but this research is novel in that it ties stress to female-specific changes in the gut microbiota,” Bridgewater said. “We sometimes think of stress as a purely psychological phenomenon, but it causes distinct physical changes.”
The researchers found fascinating differences between genders: Male mice on the high-fat diet exhibited more anxiety than females on the high-fat diet, and high-fat males also showed decreased activity in response to stress. However, it was only in female mice that stress caused the gut microbiota composition to shift as if the animals were on a high-fat diet.
“In society, women tend to have higher rates of depression and anxiety, which are linked to stress” said Bridgewater, who also serves as Associate Dean of the BYU College of Life Sciences. “This study suggests that a possible source of the gender discrepancy may be the different ways gut microbiota responds to stress in males vs. females.”