マドリッドで開催された、ESMO 2017 Congress(欧州臨床腫瘍学会学術集会2017)でプレゼンされた研究によると、胴の体脂肪分布は、更年期以降の女性の癌リスクに関して言えば、体重以上に重要とのことです。本知見は、腹部に脂肪がつきやすい、この年齢群の女性達の体重管理優先順位に新たな解釈を加えていると、研究者が言っています。
Abdominal fat a key cancer driver for postmenopausal women
“When assessing cancer risk, body mass index (BMI) and fat percentage may not be adequate measures as they fail to assess the distribution of fat mass,” she explained. “Avoiding central obesity may confer the best protection.”
It included 5,855 women (mean age 71 years) who underwent baseline dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scans to assess body fat and body fat composition and have been followed for 12 years.
Specifially, there were 293 breast and ovarian cancers, 345 lung and gastrointestinal (GI) cancers, and 173 other cancers. Looking in detail at specific cancers and risk factors the investigators determined that only lung and GI cancers were associated with high abdominal to peripheral fat ratios (HR: 1.68; 95%, CI: 1.12 to 2.53; p < 0.05 and HR: 1.34; 95%, CI: 1 to 1.8; p < 0.05, respectively).
Additional cancer risk factors were older age, receipt of hormone replacement therapy and smoking, but after controlling for these risk factors, fat ratio remained an independent risk factor.
“Increases in insulin, resulting from over-consumption of simple carbohydrates such as potatoes, wheat, rice and corn, result in fat accumulation that is specifically visceral and abdominal,” De Censi explained. Insulin also has detrimental effects on hormone production, and adipose cells in fat tissue increase chonic inflammation throughout the body, another risk factor for several cancers.
“These data open the door for clinicans to intiate a number of interventions in obese patients. In addition to fat loss with diet and exercise, there may be a potential role for a diabetes drug, such as metformin, which can lower insulin effects and contribute to cancer prevention.”