The FASEB Journalにオンライン掲載された、ネズミを使った研究が、緑茶に含まれる最も豊富なカテキンで生物活性成分の、EGCG(epigallocatechin-3-gallate、エピガロカテキン-3-ガレート)が、高脂肪・高フルクトース(high-fat and high-fructose, HFFD)誘発インスリン耐性と認知機能障害を軽減する可能性を示唆しています。過去の研究が、多種多様な人が患う病気の治療に対するEGCGの可能性を示唆していましたが、今まで、西洋食によって脳内で引き起こされるインスリン耐性と認知障害に対するEGCGの影響は、はっきりしていませんでした。
Green tea ingredient may ameliorate memory impairment, brain insulin resistance, and obesity
“Green tea is the second most consumed beverage in the world after water, and is grown in at least 30 countries,” said Xuebo Liu, Ph.D., a researcher at the College of Food Science and Engineering, Northwest A&F University, in Yangling, China. “The ancient habit of drinking green tea may be a more acceptable alternative to medicine when it comes to combatting obesity, insulin resistance, and memory impairment.”
Liu and colleagues divided 3-month-old male C57BL/6J mice into three groups based on diet: 1) a control group fed with a standard diet, 2) a group fed with an HFFD diet, and 3) a group fed with an HFFD diet and 2 grams of EGCG per liter of drinking water. For 16 weeks, researchers monitored the mice and found that those fed with HFFD had a higher final body weight than the control mice, and a significantly higher final body weight than the HFFD+EGCG mice. In performing a Morris water maze test, researchers found that mice in the HFFD group took longer to find the platform compared to mice in the control group.
リュー博士と同僚等は、オスのC57BL/6Jマウスを、食餌を基にして、1) 標準餌を給餌された対照群、2) HFFD食給餌群、3) HFFD食と飲料水リッター当たり2gのEGCGを給餌された群の3群に分けました。16週間、研究者達は、ネズミを監視し、HFFD給餌マウスが、対照群よりも最終的な体重が重く、HFFD+EGCG給餌マウスに比べ、最終的な体重が、はるかに重いことを見い出しています。モリス水迷路試験を実施する中で、研究者達は、HFFD食給餌群に属するマウスが、対照群に比べ、プラットフォーム発見により長い時間を要する事を発見しました。
The HFFD+EGCG group had a significantly lower escape latency and escape distance than the HFFD group on each test day. When the hidden platform was removed to perform a probe trial, HFFD-treated mice spent less time in the target quadrant when compared with control mice, with fewer platform crossings. The HFFD+EGCG group exhibited a significant increase in the average time spent in the target quadrant and had greater numbers of platform crossings, showing that EGCG could improve HFFD-induced memory impairment.